Help Private Life Record An EP

We’re all about supporting up and coming bands and we want you to help Private Life record their new EP.  What better way to get behind a new band than with a Kickstarter!!!

So, you know what to do!!!  Here’s what the band have to say!

Their destiny is to write and play out their lives until they are grey
They need your help to get it all underway
They need your help to make their first EP
All they want is to make an EP worthy of you and your attention
All they need is money
This is a serious ambition
And it requires a ready heart and steady mind and lots of coffee
For Private Life the time is right
We just need the gear and the chance to prove it
We love you
Thanks for reading, watching and visiting we hope you believe in us.


[soundcloud url=”″ iframe=”true” /]


Private Life on Pozible

Pozible – Private Life from Private Life on Vimeo.

About Graham Porter

Founder of YMR and has been trying to make a difference for unsigned, up and coming artists and all things great in music since 2011.

One thought on “Help Private Life Record An EP

  1. They’re pretty good! I don’t have money to help them with the EP but I can and will play them on my college radio show 🙂

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