We are celebrating Australian musical talent this month and to kick off 2024 in style, we are listening to 100 Aussie artists in our new Made In Australia YMR playlist. We think there hasn’t been a better time to showcase 100 homegrown artists and bands, so get listening, following and supporting, now that the live scene is starting to flourish again.
With all the Triple J whooping that goes on this time of year, we prefer to reflect on our newly updated alternative playlist of 100 Australian artists that you should really be listening to both now and beyond, to celebrate what many overseas have already been doing for quite some time.
Each year we continue to get frustrated when we hear many Australian folk say, “there isn’t a lot of decent music coming out of Australia at the moment is there?”, but when you look at what we’ve featured on YMR in recent times, we’d argue heavily against that. It’s just that ‘the good stuff’ doesn’t filter through to some of the more mainstream radio stations, who choose to play overseas commercial disposable music.
This is what we’ll be listening to, to celebrate a country of indigenous and homegrown artists and bands that deserve to get just as much attention here in Australia as they do overseas.
It pains me this time of year to see so many artists both signed and unsigned clamber to get themselves into the Triple J Hottest 100 countdown playlist. The only real winner is the radio station itself and not the listeners, as there are SO MANY more tracks that simply do not get the airplay they deserve on home soil.
Kick back for the next 7 hours and listen to this.