YMR Daily Isolation Playlist – #V

Today is brought to you by the letter V

Covid-eo may have killed your outside fun (for now) but don’t let it ruin your daily fix of today’s Spotify Isolation Game!!!

Here are the rules. Put all of the letters of the alphabet into a bowl and randomly pick a letter out. Do it blindfolded. Do it with you teeth. Do it with a lemon grabber.

Whatever letter you pick out, you now have to play tracks, artists, bands and albums that can only start with that letter.

Today’s playlist is brought to you by the letter V that we picked out, so if you don’t want to play along, just hit Shuffle and Play.

About Graham Porter

Founder of YMR and has been trying to make a difference for unsigned, up and coming artists and all things great in music since 2011.

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